About namuk

namuk, that's us
namuk was born in the Swiss Alps with a mission: to let kids discover nature with all their senses and experience it without a care. Today and tomorrow.
Today, by equipping them with innovative, durable, and fashionable clothing that can withstand any force of nature.
And tomorrow, by striving to kindle a love of nature in our children.
namuk’s founder is Franz Bittmann, who brings to the start-up more than 20 years of experience in the textile industry. He and his team have developed long-lasting children’s clothing since 2016 and deliver new innovations to the market year after year. As parents of active children, namuk knows exactly what kids want: hard-wearing, thoughtfully designed and, above all, truly kid-friendly outdoor clothes that unite purpose and fun.
Franz and his team firmly believe that children thrive best in nature. So it's a shame when little explorers have to go inside after a short time because snow or water has seeped into their overalls. Our goal is to let kids play, completely unburdened – without cold hands or wet feet, without worrying about going home with a hole in their pants – in other words, to live out adventures outdoors with the carefree sensation of freedom.
That’s what our name and logo stand for. The owl represents freedom and wisdom and conveys a sense of security. “Owl” in Javanese is “manuk”: We liked that name, so with a small adjustment, voila! “namuk” was born.

namuk blazes trails
The company deploys innovative materials and new technologies that have never before been used in children’s clothing.
We embrace the combination of sustainability, the highest quality and ‘Swissness’ – that is, dependability, precision and perfectionism.

namuk won’t stop thinking about tomorrow
We have the ambitious goal to help our clothing last as long as possible. To that end, we have launched our own repair service and provide a market for second-hand namuk clothes on our ReUse platform.
According to our customers, our clothing lasts three times longer than other children’s clothing.
With these achievements, we actively engage in and promote the conservation of resources and a future-oriented economy.

namuk believes in karma
Thanks to regular visits to longstanding production partners in Europe and Asia, namuk guarantees fair, environmentally friendly and socially responsible production. Whenever possible, the company partners with factories that have been certified according to the Business social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) or other similar labels and standards.

namuk knows what kids want
As a brand dedicated solely to kids, namuk focuses exclusively on children between zero and 12 years old, giving us the opportunity to focus 100% on providing exactly what they need.
Products are deemed ready for market only after being tested to perfection by a select crew of young moles, as we call them; that is, kids who, like the small animal, are very good at getting messy burrowing in the dirt. With their feedback, we constantly make improvements to the collections. The designs are made for children but aren’t childish.
In addition to sustainable clothing for children, the company is committed to close communications with customers and regularly organizes events for little ones – with outdoor activities, of course, taking top priority.
As a premium brand, namuk embodies the highest quality, combined with the utmost Swissness, which has paved the way for collaborations with renowned global brands such as Lowa and Giro as well as first-class tourist destinations.

A little insight into the fast growing namuk team and the vision we are building together.